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Senin, 11 April 2016

synoyms, antonyms and hyponym

Synonyms, Antonyms And Hyponym


A synonym is a word that means exactly the same as, or very nearly the same as, another word in the same language. For example, "close" is a synonym of "shut".
Synonyms can be any part of speech (such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs or prepositions), as long as both words belong to the same part of speech. Examples:
  • verb
    • buy and purchase
  • adjective
    • big and large
  • adverb
    • quickly and speedily
  • preposition
    • on and upon
Synonym Examples
  • Annihilation, destruction, carnage, extinction
  • Benefit, profit, revenue, yield
  • Cunning, keen, sharp, slick
  • Destitute, poor, bankrupt, impoverished
  • Deterioration, pollution, defilement, adulteration
  • Enormous, huge, gigantic, massive
  • Fertile, fruitful, abundant, productive
  • House, dwelling, abode, domicile
  • Intelligent, clever, brilliant, knowledgeable
  • Loyal, faithful, ardent, devoted
  • Organization, institution, management
  • Partner, associate, colleague, companion
  • Polite, courteous, cordial, gracious
  • Risky, dangerous, perilous, treacherous
  • Sleepy, drowsy, listless, sluggish
  • Vacant, empty, deserted, uninhabited


An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For example "bad" is an antonym of "good". Here are some more examples:
Antonym Examples
  • Achieve – Fail
  • Idle – Active
  • Afraid – Confident
  • Ancient – Modern
  • Blunt – Sharp
  • Brave – Cowardly
  • Cautious – Careless
  • Complex – Simple
  • Compliment – Insult
  • Brave – Cowardly
  • Crazy – Sane
  • Crooked – Straight
  • Decrease – Increase
  • Demand – Supply
  • Destroy – Create
  • Divide – Unite
  • Drunk – Sober
  • Innocent – Guilty
  • Compliment – Insult
  • Knowledge – Ignorance
  • Liquid – Solid
  • Lonely – Crowded
  • Major – Minor
  • Marvelous – Terrible
  • Mature – Immature
  • Maximum - Minimum
  • Noisy – Quiet
  • Optimist - Pessimist
  • Ordinary – Extraordinary
  • Partial – Complete
  • Passive – Active
  • Permanent – Unstable
  • Plentiful – Sparse
  • Positive – Negative
  • Powerful – Weak
  • Praise – Criticism
  • Shame – Honor
  • Simple - Complicated
  • Single – Married
  • Stiff – Flexible
  • Strength – Weakness
  • Sturdy – Weak
  • Sunny - Cloudy
  • Superb – Inferior

Hyponymy is a sense relation in semantics that serves to relate word concepts in a hierarchical fashion. Hyponymy is a relation between two words in which the meaning of one of the words includes the meaning of the other word. The lexical relation corresponding to the inclusion of one class in another is hyponymy. Examples are : apple- fruit ; car- vehicles ; tool- furntiture ; cow - animal.

The more specific concept is known as the hyponym, and the more general concept is known as the hypernym or superordinate. Apple is the hyponym and fruit is the superordinate / hypernymy. Hyponymy is not restricted to objects, abstract concepts, or nouns. It can be identified in many other areas of the lexicon.

E.g : a. the verb cook has many hyponyms.

Word: Cook

Hyponyms: Roast, boil, fry, grill, bake.

b. the verb colour has many hyponyms

Word: colour

Hyponyms: blue, red, yellow, green, black and purple

Hyponymy involves the logical relationship of entailment. Example : ‘There is a horse’ entails that ‘There is an animal”. Hyponymy often functions In discourse as a means of lexical cohesion by establishing referential equivalence to avoid repetition.


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