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Senin, 07 Maret 2016



A euphemism is a mild or round about word or phrase used in place of one considered painful or offensive—for example, golden years for old age or economically disadvantaged for poor. Other kinds of euphemisms, rather than covering up, inflate or magnify, making something sound more important or grander than it is: technical representative for salesperson, for example, or handcrafted for handmade.
A euphemism is a polite expression used in place of words or phrases that otherwise might be considered harsh or unpleasant to hear. Euphemisms are used regularly, and there are many examples in every day language. 

1. the substitution of a milder, vaguer word or expression for one considered to be offensive or unpleasant.
2. the word or expression so substituted.
"Put to sleep" is a euphemism for "kill".

A euphemism is a polite or mild word or expression used to refer to something embarrassing, taboo, or unpleasant. Euphemisms are especially common in reference to bodily functions and illegal behavior, and to substitute for curse words.
People use euphemisms to protect themselves and others from the harsh realities of life— senior citizen for old person, discomfort for pain, pass away for die. People also use euphemisms like sleeping together, having a relationship, or going to the bathroom to be polite. Terms such as idiot, imbecile, moron, and crippled were once neutral, but now these words are regarded as offensive and insensitive. Euphemisms often deal with profanity, body parts, bodily functions, sex, death, murder, societal taboos, superstitions, or other issues that may not be considered fit for polite conversation or writing. In social settings, euphemisms can be justified as preserving propriety.
People also use euphemisms to cover up or disguise motives and events. For example, the phrase a strategic movement to the rear sounds less humiliating than retreat. A preemptive strike is much more acceptable than a sneak attack.
Euphemisms and doublespeak are closely related. A phrase in doublespeak, like a euphemism, is a roundabout way of saying something. It can be hard to figure out what a statement in doublespeak means, which is what its originators had in mind. Doublespeak is almost always intended to confuse or deceive.
Avoiding Euphemisms

Socially, you may need to use some euphemisms if you don't want to offend someone or be thought of as insensitive. In your writing, however, strive to be direct. Resist the temptation to be overly polite, to cover up hard facts, or to inflate something by using a euphemistic term.

Types of Euphemisms

To Soften an Expression
Some euphemisms are used to make a blunt or obnoxious truth seem less hard.

  • Passed away instead of died
  • Differently-abled instead of handicapped or disabled
  • Relocation center instead of prison camp
  • Letting someone go instead of firing someone
  • On the streets instead of homeless
Euphemisms to be Polite 
Some euphemisms are used to take the place of words or phrases one might not want to say in polite circle.

  • Adult beverages instead of beer or liquor
  • Big-boned instead of heavy or overweight
  • Vertically-challenged instead of short
  • Economical with the truth instead of liar
  • Between jobs instead of unemployed
Euphemisms to be Impolite
Euphemisms are intentionally a callous or insensitive way of saying something. These euphemisms are usually used when being sarcastic or trying to make light of a serious subject or make it seem less serious.

  • Bit the dust instead of died
  • Blow chunks instead of vomited
  • Bit the farm instead of died
Examples of Euphemisms

Euphemisms are everywhere, and more are born every day. This brief list should make you think about the various reasons they exist.
  • Retarded - mentally challenged
  • Blind - Visually challenged
  • Crippled - Differently abled
  • Bald - follicularly challenged
  • Poor - economically marginalized
  • Fat - gravitationally challenged, Overweight
  • Lazy - motivationally deficient
  • beggar - panhandler, homeless person
  • coffin - casket
  • old age - golden age, golden years
  • criminal (adj) - illegal
  • confinement - detention
  • lawyer - attorney
  • sick - indisposed, ill, under the weather
  • toilet - john, WC, men's room, restroom, bathroom, washroom, lavatory
Euphemisms are everywhere, and more are born every day. This brief list should make you think about the various reasons they exist.
  • au naturel, in the buff: naked
  • categorical inaccuracy: lie
  • collateral damage: in a bombing, civilian casualties and destruction of civilian buildings
  • comfort station: public toilet
  • (the) departed: the dead person; died
  • disincentive: penalty; reprisal
  • disinformation: lie
  • enhanced interrogation techniques: torture
  • ethnic cleansing: eliminating people from racial or national backgrounds different from your own; eliminating is itself a euphemism for deporting, or killing
  • fabricate: make up
  • freedom fighters: rebels fighting a government seen as hostile to one's own interests
  • friendly fire: artillery fire from one's own forces that accidentally or mistakenly wounds or kills someone on one's own side
  • furlough (employees): lay off
  • gaming: gambling
  • gentlemen's club: strip club
  • imbibe, feeling no pain (and many others): drink, getting drunk
  • inventory leakage: theft
  • job action: a strike or work slowdown
  • neutralize: to take out of action, to kill
  • outsource: for costsaving purposes, to send work to workers outside of the organization (sometimes far away) to whom no benefits need be paid rather than hire fulltime workers with benefits
  • pacify: to repress or destroy an enemy
  • personal flotation device: life preserver on an airplane or boat
  • preowned: used, for example, used car
  • relocation center: an Americanstyle prison camp used to hold JapaneseAmericans during World War II
  • revenue enhancements: taxes
  • reverse engineering: taking something apart to see how it works and then copying it
  • stressproducing stimulus: electric shock
  • surreptitious entry: breakin
  • visually challenged: blind; challenged has become part of a host of euphemisms both serious and humorous (for example, vertically challenged for short)
Euphemism in sentences:
  • He is always tired and emotional (drunk). He is a special child (disabled or retarded).
  • You are becoming a little thin on top (bald).
  • Our teacher is in the family way (pregnant).
  • We do not hire mentally challenged (stupid) people.
  • The individual was accused of appropriating funds.
  • Joey isn’t broke, he is having temporary negative cash flow.
  • Sam isn't buying a used car, he is purchasing a pre-enjoyed or pre-loved vehicle.
  • Dian's supervisor laid him off because he was unmotivated.
  • Politicians don't commit crimes, they 'make mistakes.'
  • I don't care if you keep smoking, you'll be the one pushing up the daisies at the age of 40, not me!
  • Putting stray dogs to sleep is the most humane thing to do.

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