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Senin, 18 April 2016


Definition of collocation
            A collocation is a combination of two or more words that are commonly used together, in a way that sounds natural to a native English speaker.
Types of colocation
1.     Adjective + noun
There are many adjective which can gather with noun, but I will write some adjectives to give you obvious example. Here are the examples of collocation adjective + noun:
*      He has been a heavy smoker and drinker all his adult life.
*      She speaks English quite well but with strong French accent.
*      They have a hard life and worked through a hard time. We don’t have hard evidence that they had used hard drugs.
*      The doctor ordered him to take regular exercise.
*      The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage.

        2.    Noun + noun (such as collective noun)

*      I would like to buy two bars of soaps
*      There is a glass of water on the table.
*      Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
*      He will give a bar of chocolate to his girlfriend on Valentine ’s Day.
*      Her bouquet of flower is the best of all

        3.    Verb + noun

*      I always try to do my homework in the morning after making my bed
*      Do you think the bank would forgive a debt?
*      We are going to have lunch together, would you like to join??
*      Every day, I take a shower at 6 o’clock

       4.    Adverb + adjective

*      This test is ridiculously easy! I didn’t even study, but I will get high score.
*      Janet is a highly successful businesswoman. She owns several restaurants and hotels around the country.
*      That is utterly ridiculous. She didn’t steal your favorite book. She wasn’t even in the office yesterday.
*      Roger is strongly opposed to anything bad for health. He doesn’t eat junk food at all.
*      Are you okay? I am deeply concerned about you. You have been desperate since you lost your job.
                5. Verbs+ prepositional phrase (phrasal verb)

*      Their behavior was enough to drive anybody to crime
*      We had to return home because we had run out of money
*      I am going to look up the meaning in the dictionary
*      She is going to dress up for her first date with him.
*      You have to make up your mind before doing something.

         6.    Verb +adverb

*      Mary whispered softly in John’s ear.
*      The boy speaks politely, and is very well-behaved.
*      The accident happened because he was driving dangerously.
*      After 2 years in London, he speaks English fluently.
*      I waited patiently, but she never came.

         7.    noun + verb

*      The lion started to roar when it heard the dog barking.
*      Snow was falling as our plane took off.

Collocation adalah dua atau lebih kata-kata yang sering digunakan bersama untuk membentuk satu kesatuan makna.
Ada beberapa Jenis Collocation dan cara pembentukannya, yaitu:
  • Adverb + Adjective
  • Adjective + Noun
  • Noun + Noun
  • Noun + Verb
  • Verb + Noun
  • Verb + Expression With Preposition
  • Verb + Adverb


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