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Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Expert On DA

 Assalamu alaikum....

Professor Ruth Wodak 

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Ruth Wodak, he was also a man Linguists Austria ia born July 12, 1950 in London. He is Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Chairman of Discourse Studies at the University of Lancaster and he is a Professor in Linguistics at the University of Vienna.

Ruth Wodak Join Group hearts LIP (Language, Ideology, and Power), and he Also Join to review CPERC (Cultural Political Economy Research Center) and Dom (Dynamics Cluster Memory) at Lancaster University.
Research is Ruth Wodak Discourse Studies (DS) and DI Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). Searching Google Articles former team-mates and Ph.D student in Vienna, they explain about Discourse Historical Approach, interdisciplinary, problem-oriented approach to analyzing changes hearts discursive practices From Time To Time And hearts different genre.

Ruth Wodak Focus on rhetoric, discursive, boarding costs and argumentation Right wing populist politician in the whole of Europe. Ruth has editing Critical Discourse Analysis, And Progress Critical Discourse Studies with his friends. in 2013, he Also edit the prayer vol about Right wing populist discourse, Analyzing European fascism: fascism in Text and Talk And Right-wing populism in the whole of Europe: Discourse and Politics. There are three articles Yang Volume And she Associated with the publish Also Open Democracy.

Ruth key research agenda focused in the development of theoretical approaches hearts organizational communication Identity politics and the preparation tasks and Political Discourse From the Past political language of racism, prejudice and discrimination. Also Ruth Combining multiple Discourse Studies Division, ia Continue to develop Discourse Historical Approach in CDA, A problem-oriented approach interdisciplinary Yang analyzing changes Than Many discursive practices From Time To Time And hearts different genre.

During his career, Ruth had a lot of appreciation and honor. In October 2006, ia get Female Singer Prize awards the City of Vienna and the DI 1996 Wittgenstein Award. Ruth continued research elite for Six Years about interdisciplinary research team. in 2013, ia Become a member Of British Academy of Social Sciences. in September 2013, he Also receive respect and was invited to speak at the Bruckner review fest, festival music an international Yang was held in Linz, Austria, dedicated to music and artists were persecuted by the Nazis .On December 19, 2011, Ruth get awards Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for service review for a review of the Republic of Austria. In September 2010, Ruth Being members Academia Europaea.

in 2006 and 2011, ruth is the team leader Lancaster From dylan: Language Dynamics and Management of Diversity, an interdisciplinary project A, Part Of eu Framework 6. in 2004 and 2007, he work on Emediate Project, Part Of eu Framework 5. Previously, she is the head of Discourse, Politics, Identity Research Center, which is funded by Austrian Academy of Sciences as Part of Wittgenstein Award, where she coordinates the Project about Austria and European Identity, racism and discrimination, and Historical Memory.

Ruth visiting professor at Uppsala, Stanford University, University of Minnesota, and the University of Georgetown, Washington, dc in Season half of 2004, ia have a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, uk. 2007, she get an award Kerstin Also Hesselgren Swedish Parliament Speaker And Staying at Örebro University, Sweden, from March until June 2008. in 2012 and 2015, he spent 10 days at the University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, as the "Academic Icon". on In 2012, ia Also invited as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.

  • Wodak, Ruth, Mral, Brigitte, & Khosravinik, Majid (Eds.) (2013). Right Wing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Wodak, Ruth (Ed.) (2013). Critical Discourse Analysis: Four Volumes. Sage.
  • Wodak, Ruth, Johnstone, Barbara, & Kerswill, Paul (Eds.) (2011). The Sage Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Wodak, Ruth & Meyer, Michael (Eds.) (2009). Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis (2nd revised edition). London: Sage.
  • Wodak, Ruth & Reisigl, Martin (Eds.) (2009). The Discursive Construction of National Identity. Edinburgh: EUP.
  • Wodak, Ruth (2015). The Politics of Fear: What Right-Wing Populist Discourses Mean. London: Sage.
  • Wodak, Ruth (2011). The Discourse of Politics in Action: Politics as Usual (2nd revised edition). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Reisigl, Martin & Wodak, Ruth (2001). Discourse and Discrimination. London: Routledge.
  • Wodak, Ruth (1996). Disorders of Discourse. London: Longman.
  • Wodak, Ruth, de Cillia, Rudolf, Reisigl, Martin, & Liebhart, Karin (Eds.) (1999). The Discursive Construction of National Identity. Edinburgh: EUP.
  • Wodak, Ruth (Ed.) (1997). Gender and Discourse. London: Sage.
  • Wodak, Ruth (Ed.) (1989). Language, Power and Ideology: Studies in Political Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Wodak, Ruth & Koller, Veronika (Eds.) (2008). Handbook of Communication in the Public Sphere. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Wodak, Ruth, Krzyzanowski, Michal (2008). Qualitative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wodak, Ruth & Chilton, Paul (Eds.) (2005). New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Weiss, Gilbert & Wodak, Ruth (Eds.) (2003). Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Interdisciplinarity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


36 komentar:

  1. hii ikha i lke your material and your blog very nice. i ask question to you about your expert Ruth Wodak, Ruth Wodak CDA is famous for his research, in addition to the CDA, are there any other research ruth wodak make? thank you

    1. Hi mayani. This is other research of ruth wodak, you can see rhis link below: http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/-(422ef7d8-af98-404e-8ca5-d3da61c81bac).html
      Thank you

    2. Hi mayani. This is other research of ruth wodak, you can see rhis link below: http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/-(422ef7d8-af98-404e-8ca5-d3da61c81bac).html
      Thank you

  2. Hello ikaa. I am interested with your post because it's talk about Ruth Wodak. Could you tell me, what theory advanced by Ruth Wodak? Thank you...

    1. Her research is mainly located in Discourse Studies (DS) and in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). she elaborated the Discourse Historical Approach, an interdisciplinary, problem-oriented approach to analysing the change of discursive practices over time and in various genres.

  3. Hello ikha, did you know, whta is the obstacle that face when Ruth Wodak studied about critical discourse analysis.? Thank you

    1. sometimes her opinion with others opinion different. so they should make one deal to get what she want to research.

  4. Hi ikha. I like your explanation about Ruth Wodak. I want ask you . as we know there is many expert in Critical discourse analysis. So, what makes you choose Ruth wodak as your expert in this assignment? Thankyou

    1. I chose ruth wodak, because i think she is smart expert with much researches.she's also emeritus dingtingushed professor and chair of discourse studies.

  5. Well ikha, i think is ruth wodak is amazing proffesor in CDA. So, what is something unique from ruth wodak that make you like her, ?

    1. I think she is smart expert with many researches.she's also emeritus dingtingushed professor and chair of discourse studies.

  6. Excelent sister. What a something that make your interested with your expert? Thank you😍

    1. Thank you dek,I think she is good expert and we can imitate her achivement. She get much awards and honors. And also published books.

  7. hay cool girl. Ruth Wodak the famous one on DA. So, what words of wodak that make you tho chose him ? ^*^

    1. Her words that make me choose her " interdisciplinarity is sometimes perceived as threatening". thank you

  8. Hi ikha comel, I want ask you.
    What famous book of Ruth Wodak related to your discussion? Please tell us briefly!

    1. There are some book of ruth wodak https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-politics-of-fear/book237802, Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Interdisciplinarity. Actually she have much famous book.

  9. hy ikha red velvettt
    your blog so sweet ikha have many star and song and to make me happy when i visit ur blog.

    i have little quetion for u ikha.
    Can you tell me what made you interested in ruth wodak and what is your view on his studies. i think his is very famous.

    thanks red velvettttt

    1. I chose her because she is smart expert. She is emeritus distinguished and chair of DA. She also get much awards and honors. She have published much book related with DA. And i think she is expert that we can imitate. Thank you

  10. Hi ikha. I like your explain about this expert. I will ask to you. Why you chose him? Please tell us briefly? thank you

    1. Hi wanda. I think she is good expert and we can imitate her achivement.

  11. Hy ikaa, Nice blog and material
    whether LIP group (Language, Ideology, and Power)have relationship w/ CDA ?

    1. Yes, CDA have relationship w/ LIP. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a branch of linguistics that seeks to understand how and why certain texts affect readers and hearers. Media texts are a common subject of analysis in Critical Discourse Analysis.

  12. hay ikhaa, i interested your post ,many star it is make your blog looks beutiful,but , i want ask to you,on your opinion , whether the benefits we get from learning about your material? and can you give me reference journal about this material ikha,thank you

  13. Hi putri, the benefit we can get is we can analyze a language in spoken or written. This is some references Ruth Wodak, Language behavior in therapy groups. Trans. by Andrew Smith. Berkeley and Los Angeles, Communicating gender in context, Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis. Thank you

  14. You said" smart expert with much researches.she's also emeritus dingtingushed professor and chair of discourse studies" how about my expert Teun A Van Dijk, he is more smart and also emeritus professor.

    1. in my mind all the expert is smart, why? because everything has become an expert would have a lot to learn about the science of the study that they understand, but when compared to where the smarter they all must have advantages and disadvantages in studying science, because to understand it is sustenance, thank u my friend

    2. Hi dayu. Ya dayu,, our expert is smart, emeritus professor. But everybody have different knowledge. Depend on what her or his get when their study and their experiences. Thank you

  15. hello ikha exo, good article and nice blog
    ikha i want ask question for you .
    why you choose this expert ?

    1. Hi mami, this expert is good to imitate their achivement. And we need study hard.

  16. Hi Ikha...
    Your blog look beautiful. But for me blog you have too striking color combinations. I felt a little dizzy after reading your blog (Sorry ^ _ ^) ...
    I ask you, how can you know "
    Ruth Wodak "? What made you interested in"
    Ruth Wodak "?
    Thank you...

    1. I know her because she one of the famous expert in CDA. And I interested with her she can inspiring many people and we can imitate her achivement. Thank you

    2. I know her because she one of the famous expert in CDA. And I interested with her she can inspiring many people and we can imitate her achivement. Thank you

  17. Hai my ching😘 Ruth wodak is a famous expert.
    Ching, please tell me why you choose Ruth wodak? Whether there are interesting from Ruth Wodak? And what do you like about Ruth wodak?
    Thank you ching😘

    1. Yes, ruth wodak is famous. I choose ruth wodak because is woman with many achivement. And we can imitate her. And i think she can inspiring many people. Thank you

  18. hello ikhaa,your blog very nice
    i have a quastion for you
    what the interesting of your discuss?thx
